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C# (pronounced see sharp) is a general-purpose, high-level multi-paradigm programming language.

concerto compile --model test.cto --target csharp


  • @DotNetType("") - this decorator can be used to map a field to dotnet specific data type.

Allowed data types -


Eg, test.cto

namespace test@1.0.0

concept Person identified by email {
o String email
o DateTime dob optional
o Double currencyValue

Note: The CSharp codegen performs a check to ensure that the configured data type is among the allowed data types, but it doesn't verify compatibility between the configured CTO type and .NET type.

Sample Output

namespace Test;
using AccordProject.Concerto;
[AccordProject.Concerto.Type(Namespace = "test", Version = "1.0.0", Name = "Person")]
public class Person : Concept {
public override string _Class { get; } = "test@1.0.0.Person";
public string Email { get; set; }
public System.DateTime? Dob { get; set; }
public decimal CurrencyValue { get; set; }


  • useSystemTextJson: compile for System.Text.Json library
  • useNewtonsoftJson: compile for Newtonsoft.Json library
  • namespacePrefix: a prefix to add to all namespaces
  • pascalCase: use PascalCase for generated identifier names


  1. Scalars are unboxed as properties